Our experience and expertise mean that we have much to offer governments and regulators when it comes to helping develop policies around cigarettes and reduced risk products*.
We have always been clear that we support regulation that is based on robust evidence and thorough research, respects legal rights and livelihoods and delivers on the intended policy aims, while recognising unintended consequences.
Along with the industry, governments and the public health community have a key role to play in maximising the potential for reduced-risk* products (RRPs) to contribute to harm reduction. For these products to be a success, they must be supported by effective regulatory and policy regimes that enable responsible growth and promote informed consumer choice. This must then be complemented by responsible practices by the industry.
We want to contribute to the conversations, offering information, ideas and practical steps to help regulators address the key issues facing the industry. Our aim is not to halt the legislative reform process, but rather to ensure the development of sensible and effective regulation that is workable for all parties concerned.
BAT NZ supports government efforts to reduce underage nicotine use, and to reduce the growing black market tobacco trade. We have launched various initiatives over the years to curb these problems through retailer and consumer education.
In New Zealand, the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Vaping) Amendment Act 2020 controls the manufacture, sale, promotion and consumption of tobacco, vaping and smokeless tobacco products. We are committed to helping improve retailers’ awareness of the legislation and provide ongoing education to improve their understanding of the laws surrounding the sale of tobacco and reduced-risk* products in New Zealand.
Quality and safety standards – based on robust science, to ensure consumer safety and confidence.
Freedom to innovate – to give consumers more choice and satisfy their evolving needs and preferences.
Freedom to collaborate and communicate – so the public and private sectors can work together and provide meaningful and accurate information to consumers.
Appropriate taxes and excise – reflecting the relative product risks and not artificially driving up prices, which can discourage take-up by more smokers.
Freedom of access – so smokers who want to continue consuming tobacco and nicotine can easily access RRPs* wherever they can buy cigarettes.
Responsible marketing to adults only – controlled marketing and advertising rules aimed at adult consumers only.
Enforceable regulation – we support regulation that is enforceable and practical for the regulator, industry and
*Based on the weight of evidence and assuming a complete switch from cigarette smoking. These produts are not risk free and are addictive.